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অধিগ্রহণকৃত ভূমির ক্ষতিপূরণের এল.এ চেক প্রাপ্তিতে এ কার্যালয়ে কোন অতিরিক্ত অর্থের প্রয়োজন হয় না। কেউ কোন প্রকার অনৈতিক আর্থিক লেনদেনের সাথে জড়িত থাকলে তার বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে।

মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Heritage of District

Barishal is one of the districts of the Gangetic delta region rich in rivers, canals, forests and natural diversity. The ever-changing rivers here are constantly eroding and reforming land. So the people here are constantly struggling inside this broken-down. From time immemorial, people of different nationalities from different countries have come and settled and enriched the villages of this district.

Influence of Pirs and Maulanas: The influence of Pirs and Maulanas is very high in the rural areas of Barishal. Most of the villagers in the entire district are devotees of one or the other Pir. Many people take vows in the court of the Pir to fulfill any desire.

Religious ceremonies of Muslims: The Muslims of this district are generally very religious. They observe all kinds of religious rites with reverence. Many people fast for one month during the holy month of Ramadan. Many of the well-to-do people also perform the holy Hajj.

Looking at the countryside, it can be seen that there are small and big mosques in almost every village. Every Friday, villagers gather in the mosques to perform the Friday prayers.

Religious festivals: Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Azha, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-E-Milad-un-Nabi with great enthusiasm and fervor. Three of these days are celebrated with considerable dignity in urban and rural areas.

Hindus: Namashudras and caste Hindus are second only to Muslims in this district. In the past, there were more caste Hindus in the Hindu community. Population statistics do not provide specific information about their livelihood and employment. Brahmins and Kayasthas are caste Hindus. Of these, only the Kayasthas were engaged in agriculture. Among the lower castes, Namah Shudra was predominant.

Food: Rice, fish, pulses and vegetables are the main food of the daily life of the people of this district. Poultry and chicken are found in abundance. The common people of the village serve beef, duck and chicken at various festivals for entertaining guests. Although milk is very popular, poor people rarely drink it. The common food of the poor is fish and rice. In the villages, those who cannot afford to buy fish eat fish from canals.

Sports: In this district, especially in rural areas, kabaddi, volleyball, ha-du-du and volleyball, football are very popular in urban and rural areas. Cricket has also become popular later. Boating is often done on the river. On the occasion, the competition of boats are decorated in a beautiful way.

Music and dance: Bhatiali, Rakhali, Murshidi, Zari and Sari songs are very popular in the region. Journeys, poetry-songs, plays and book readings are also prevalent. Different types of folk music are also quite popular.

Architecture: A number of ancient mosques, monasteries etc. are found in Barishal district. The influence of the architecture of Khanjahan Ali's mosque can be seen in the structure and workmanship of many mosques in the district.

References: Bangladesh District Gazetteer: Bakharganj, Edited by Major General (Retd.) MA Latif, Ministry of Establishment, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1984.

 Bhatiali, Rakhali, Murshidi, Zari and Sari songs are very popular in the region. Journeys, poetry-songs, plays and book readings are also prevalent. Different types of folk music are also quite popular.

Architecture: A number of ancient mosques, monasteries etc. are found in Barishal district. The influence of the architecture of Khanjahan Ali's mosque can be seen in the structure and workmanship of many mosques in the district.

References: Bangladesh District Gazetteer: Bakharganj, Edited by Major General (Retd.) MA Latif, Ministry of Establishment, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1984.