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অধিগ্রহণকৃত ভূমির ক্ষতিপূরণের এল.এ চেক প্রাপ্তিতে এ কার্যালয়ে কোন অতিরিক্ত অর্থের প্রয়োজন হয় না। কেউ কোন প্রকার অনৈতিক আর্থিক লেনদেনের সাথে জড়িত থাকলে তার বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে।

মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

General Responsibilities

1. Revenue Administration and Management:

1) Control, supervision and monitoring of activities of District Revenue Offices

2) Assessment, collection, waiver and re-determination of land development tax

3) Maintenance and update of land records

4) Provision of agricultural and non-agricultural khas lands and other government property Re-khaskaran

6) Non-tax revenue collection and submission of estimation to the government

7) Appeal hearing in revenue cases

8) Investigation of revenue related complaints

9) Hat-bazaar management and development

10) Determination of hat-bazaar peripherals

11) New hat-bazaar establishment process

12) Other mahal management including Sairat Mahal

13) Land management and supervision of tea garden

14) Record room management

15) Forged supply of government documents

16) Management of vested, khas, abandoned property and exchange property management

17) Supervision of civil cases related to government interests.

18) Inter-district border dispute resolution

19) Adeline Update for Siksti Lands and Exercise Map for Payasti Lands

20) Assistance to general Land Survey Program of Land Records and Survey Department

21) Assistance to Digital Land Survey Program of Land Records and Survey Department

22) Creation of Union Land Office

 23) Maintenance and Reform of District Land Offices

24) Revenue Report and Returns to be sent to the Government

25) Eviction of illegal occupants and reclamation of khas lands from government interest lands

 26) Management of forest land as per forest law

27) Organizing district revenue conference

28) Implementation of agricultural and non-agricultural khas land management policy

29) Implementation of government rehabilitation program for poor and landless people (For example, implementation and supervision of Shelter, Housing, Adarshagram, Guchhgram and Climate-Affected People Rehabilitation Project) 30) Implementation of Government Land Reform Policy

31) Proceedings and collection of fines as per wise court order

32) Action on wise court judgments / decrees / orders Issuance of No Objection Certificate in case of sale / transfer

33) To take initiative to introduce feature based land division system to protect valuable agricultural land from expansion of non-agricultural activities.

34) Issuance of no-objection certificate in case of sale / transfer of property owned by a small ethnic group

35) District Revenue Court and Office Inspection

36) Court inspection of General Certificate Officer

37) Settlement of undervalued (impounded) cases as per land registration manual and relevant rules

38) Determination of toll in Sairat Mahal / Hat-Bazar outside municipal area

39) Provide assistance in formulation and implementation of land use plan

40) Natural resource management

41) Functions related to quotes of wards and

43) Establishment of officers and employees of revenue administration.

2. District Magistracy and Executive Magistracy:

1) Exercise all powers and perform duties and responsibilities related to District Magistrates and Executive Magistrates as per Criminal Procedure Code of 1860 and Criminal Procedure Code of 1898.

2) Exercise all powers and perform duties and responsibilities related to District Magistrates and Executive Magistrates as per Police Act 1861 and Police Regulations of 1943.

3) Execution of all powers and duties and responsibilities related to District Magistrate and Executive Magistrate as per Jail Code

4) Operation of Mobile Court as per Mobile Court Act, 2009.

5) Power to enact evening laws under the Special Powers Act, 1974

6)  Exercise powers and perform duties and responsibilities in accordance with all Minor Acts.

7) Exercise of powers and discharge of duties and responsibilities

8) Supervision and monitoring of magisterial functions of Additional District Magistrates and Executive Magistrates

9) Submission of reports on Executive Magistrates to the Government

9) Activities related to withdrawal of political and harassment cases

10) Inspection of Additional District Magistrates and Executive Magistrates Court

11) Prison visit

12) Thana inspection / visit

13) Sending recommendation for appointment of GP, Special GP, VP-GP, AGP, PP, Special PP, APP and

14) Administrative and installation matters related to GP, Special GP, VP-GP, AGP, PP, Special PP, APP.

3. Public order and public safety:

1) Provision of public order in case of Riots, strikes, political tensions, labor unrest, etc., in times of emergency.

2) To take action in accordance with Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1898 to maintain peace and order between the parties to the dispute.

3) Hooliganism, tout, counter-terrorism and control of smuggling, drug trade etc.

4) Detention orders under the Special Powers Act of 1974

5) Restoration of possession of government property (deposits, buildings, etc.)

6) Prevention of acid abuse

7) Control of drug abuse

8) Prevention of abuse of women and children

9) Prevention of child marriage

10) Prevention of dowry

11) Suppression of militancy

13) ) Prevention of trafficking of women and children

14) Prevention of smuggling

15) Control of hundi business

16) Prevention of circulation of counterfeit notes and

18) Prevention of sexual harassment (eve teasing).

4. Law and Order:

1) General control over the police department in crime suppression activities as per Police Act 181 and Police Regulations of 1943

2) Acting as Chairman of District Law and Order Committee

3) Taking effective measures to reduce crime trend

4) To take effective measures to suppress serious crimes

5)To bring relief to the people by maintaining law and order.

6) In case of emergence of special law and order situation, meetings of extended law and order committee consisting of concerned officers and eminent persons and taking effective measures.

7) To send proposals for setting up of new police stations, investigation centers, police outposts to maintain law and order and

8) Sending immediate report drawing the immediate attention of the government on special law and order situation, loss of life, accident, disaster etc.

5. Prisons:

1) Supervision of prison activities as per prison code

2) Regular visit and inspection of district prisons

3) Processing of appointment proposals for appointment of private prison visitors Permission to meet with.

4) Granting division to convicted prisoners and convicts in jails.

5) Ensuring provision of food according to the availability of prisoners.

6) Taking steps for the welfare of prisoners and

7) Allowing them to meet the detainees.

6. Tourism:

1) To take necessary steps to maintain law and order in the existing tourist spots

2) To take initiative to preserve the environment including maintaining the aesthetic beauty of the existing tourist spots

3) To take initiative for the safety of the tourists visiting the existing tourist spots. 4) To create opportunities for local tourism in the district by utilizing the natural environment.

5) To take initiative to provide safety to the incoming tourists Motivation of private entrepreneurs to invest and

6) Sending proposals to the government for the creation of tourism facilities.

7. Firearms control:

1) Activities under the Firearms Act of 1878

 2) Licensing, renewal, revocation and reinstatement of all types of firearms

3) Preparation and updating of computerized database of legal firearms dealers and shop owners Database ready and regular updates.

4) Prepare and regularly update computerized database of all types of legal firearms licensees / proprietors.

8. State Confidential Matters:

1) Security related functions of His Excellency the President and Honourable Prime Minister.

2) Activities related to war pamphlets

3) Preservation of cipher and de-cipher related books and taking action according to received cipher messages

4) Sending reports on safe custody of confidential books

5) Processing of top secret matters under the Official Secrets Act of 1923 and

6) Security oversight of KPIs.

9. Confidential report:

1) Sending fortnightly confidential report to the government on the overall condition of the district.

2) Sending confidential reports on special political situations to the government

3) Sending confidential reports of special important events and

4) Sending confidential reports on special law and order situations.

10. Treasury and Stamps:

1) Conducting treasury activities in accordance with the Treasury Rules and Subsidiary Rules enacted in 1957

 2) Regular Treasury Verification Activities related to issuance, renewal and revocation of stamps, vendor licenses

3) Temporary custody of public examination question papers, confidential papers, highly valuable and sensitive and archeological specimens etc.

4) Stamp management in accordance with the Stamp Act, 1899

5) Stamp, Vendor License Grant, Renewal and Cancellation Activities

6) Arrangement for Presence and Sale of Stamps Received from Government

7) Arrangement for Presence and Sale of Stamps and Other Stamps / Stamps Received from Government

8) Sending reports on availability and sale of stamps and postage stamps

9) Taking initiatives to abolish canceled stamps and stamps.

11. Anti-Corruption:

1) To co-operate with the Anti-Corruption Commission in prevention of corruption

2) Processing of complaints lodged by the people about corruption and

3) Initiative to create public awareness on anti-corruption.

12. Public Motivation:

1) To motivate the people to exchange views and build social resistance to increase social awareness in solving various social problems such as sexual harassment, violence against women, drug use, dowry, child marriage, etc.

2) Adoption and implementation of development projects locally by involving the people and

3) Informing the public about new government programs and motivating the public to implement the programs.

13. License:

1) Issuance, renewal and revocation of licenses dealing in consumer goods and CI sheets, cement, cigarettes, gold, iron, steel, etc.

 2) Licensing, renewal and revocation of Toxic Products, Explosives, Drugs and Alcohol, Money Lending, Brickfields, Motor Driving, Cinema Halls, Hotels and Restaurants etc.

3) Issuance of 'No Objection Certificates' required by various organizations

4) Licensing, renewal and revocation under Sarai Act, Acid (Transfer, Preservation and Marketing) Act

5) Licensing, renewal and cancellation of daily necessities like sugar, salt etc. and 6) Appointment of other dealers including TCB if required.

14. Matters of Liberation War:

1) Assistance in enlistment of freedom fighters

2) Welfare of family members of martyred freedom fighters

3) Welfare of freedom fighters and their family members including war wounded freedom fighters.

4) Ensuring the presence of government representatives at funerals / funerals, providing financial assistance if needed

5) Supervising the distribution of honorarium allowances to the freedom fighters and

6) To co-operate in the election of the freedom fighters command council.

15. Acquisition and possession of property:

1) Activities related to acquisition and possession of land, buildings, vehicles etc. in the public interest

2) Functions of District Land Allocation Committee

3) Functions of District Site Selection Committee

4) Actions relating to payment of compensation for acquired property

5) Activities relating to reclamation of acquired and unused land and

6) Disposal of property occupied by order in the public interest.

16. Newspapers and publications:

1) Permission to publish newspapers, periodicals, etc.

2) Permission to verify the suitability of printing press

 3) Revocation of permission / announcement for publication of newspapers, periodicals etc.

4) Prohibition / suspension of publication

5) Approval of ownership of newspapers, periodicals etc.

6) undertaking other activities as per the Printing Press and Publication Act, 1973.

17. Elections:

1) Performing the duties of National Parilament and local government bodies as per the instructions of Election Commission

2) Supervision of preparation and updating of voter list

3) Supervision of preparation and updating of national identity cards

4) Determining and redefining constituencies as per government directives

5) Appointment of Executive Magistrates for the suppression of election offenses for the proper conduct of elections and

6) Performing any other duties assigned by the Election Commission from time to time.

18. Border Issues:

1) Acting as Chairman of District Smuggling Task Force Committee and taking effective measures to curb smuggling

2) Acting as Chairman of District Smuggling Prevention Coordination Committee and taking effective measures to curb smuggling crime

3) Operation and management of designated border hats

19. Statistics:

1) To provide necessary assistance for the proper and correct execution of the census and

2) To provide necessary assistance for the proper and accurate execution of special censuses such as agricultural census, health census, education census, social security enclosure census etc.

20. Disaster Management:

1) Disaster management and relief and rehabilitation activities in accordance with the instructions given through the Famine Code, Standing Orders on Disaster and policies and notifications, circulars, orders, memoranda etc. issued at different times;

2) Acting as Chairperson in District Committees on Relief and Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

3) Immediate post-disaster inspection / inspection of disaster affected areas / Proper implementation of VGD program

3) Immediate post-disaster visit / inspection of disaster affected areas.

4) General (food and cash) relief management and test relief.

5) Proper implementation of Kabikha / Kabita / Rural Infrastructure Maintenance Program

6) Smooth implementation of VGF / VGD program

7) Implementation, supervision and monitoring of programs for the extremely poor and

8) Supervision and monitoring of any other relief and rehabilitation and disaster management social security programs adopted by the government from time to time.

21. Food:

1) Assistance in procurement of food grains

2) Assistance in storage of food grains

3) Necessary steps to keep food grain prices stable

4) Assistance in building food security

5) Annual verification of food warehouses and appointment of executive magistrates as required

6) Licensing of essential food items

7) Operation of mobile court to prevent adulteration in food and

8) Recruitment of dealers for sale of food grains through open market food sales program (OMS) and fair price card and supervision and monitoring of food sales activities.

22. Ansar and VDP:

1) Coordinating and supervising the activities of Ansar and VDP

2) Providing security for important installations by Ansar

3) Taking initiative to appoint Ansar as required to maintain overall law and order 4) To take initiative to engage the village Ansar (male and female) team in village law and order, social welfare, disaster management and development activities and

5) To take initiative to recruit Ansar in pre-disaster, post-disaster and post-disaster public safety provisions.

23. Civil Defense:

1) Establishment of Civil Defense Control Room in case of State Emergency

2) Supervision of Warden Posts under normal circumstances

3) Arrangement of conducting regular Civil Defense Training Program and

4) Celebration of Civil Defense Week every year.

24. Labor matters:

1) To take action for the welfare of workers as per labor law

2) To play a role in compensating the workers who died / injured while working

3) To alleviate and control labor dissatisfaction

4) To take remedial measures to stop industrial and other illegal labor and

5) Mutual trust between employers and workers Contribute to faith building.

25. Social Security Ambience:

1) Supervision and coordination of distribution of allowances for freedom fighters, disabled, widows / divorced, elderly etc.

2) Acting as chairman of various committees related to public and private orphanages, children's homes etc. and hospital patient welfare, supervising and coordinating activities.

3) Celebrate Elderly Day and undertake various activities for the welfare of the elderly.

4) Expansion of education and other welfare activities for the disabled.

5) Education and other welfare activities for the autistic children.

6) Supervise and coordinate the selection and distribution of grants to increase social awareness and success / assistance in various social activities.

7) Providing grants / assistance to men and women victims of acid attacks

8) Acting as chairman of development programs for urban areas

9) Acting as chairman of district orphanage admission committee and

10) To provide assistance in the implementation of various social security programs adopted by various ministries / departments from the development / underdevelopment sector for social security and poverty alleviation.

26. Family Planning:

1) Acting as Chairman of District Family Planning Committee

2) Supervising and coordinating the functions of Maternal and Child Health Center 3) Assistance in implementation of Family Planning Incentive Program

4) Assistance in the construction of family welfare centers and inspecting the under construction centers to ensure the construction of quality family welfare centers and

5) Assistance in construction of Family Welfare Center Assistance in implementation of welfare center activities.

26. Pensions and Rewards:

1) Prompt processing of pensions and rewards for retired employees

2) Prompt processing of applications for joint insurance and welfare fund of deceased employees

3) Processing of applications for financial assistance against medical expenses of working employees.

4) Preparation of quarterly list (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) of PRL employees at the beginning of the year [Post Retirement Leave (PRL)] and PRL approval at the prescribed time.

26. State customs:

1) Coordination of visits of VVIPs and VIPs

2) Arrangement of reception, accommodation and transportation of VVIPs and VIPs during their visits to the district

3) Coordination of security, house guard and police escort arrangements during visits of VVIPs and VIPs

4) Organizing meetings for VVIP and VIP

5) Preservation of Circuit House, Post Bungalow, Rest House etc. for night stay of VVIPs and VIPs and Circuit House Management and

6) Combination of ticket reservation of plane, train, steamer, launch, bus etc. for travel of VVIPs and VIPs.

29. Transport and communication:

1) Requisition of  Public and private vehicles in the public interest

2) Petroleum, oil and lubricant sales rationing / control if necessary

3) Gas (CNG) station gas sales rationing / control

4) Performing the duties of the President of the Regional Transport Authority and performing its functions.

5) Approval of issue of route permit for movement of vehicles in the district under the Regional Transport Authority.

6) Approval of issue of driving license under the Regional Transport Authority.

30. District Transport Pool:

1) Vehicle maintenance of District Pool

2) Installation of staff working in District Pool

3) Provision of vehicles in the public interest by overcoming other government / semi-government / autonomous agencies subject to written request and payment of fuel and other incidental expenses and

4) In case of urgent need such as- Supply of vehicles in case of epidemics, major accidents etc. by appealing to the concerned authorities.

31. Education:

a) Primary Mass Education:

1) Supervise the primary school admission activities of all children suitable for going to school

2) Taking, supervising and coordinating the proper admission test of primary level in different government and private schools.

3) Supervising the dropout prevention activities of the students admitted in the primary schools.

4) Supervision and coordination of free textbook distribution program among the primary level students within the stipulated time.

5) Properly conduct, supervise and coordinate the final examination of 5th class.

6) Inspection of primary schools and sending reports to the government

7) Mobile Court operation against printing, publishing and sale of note books / guide books of primary level text books as per Note-Books (Prohibition) Act, 1980.

8) Supervision of proper distribution of stipends to primary school students

9) Acting as the Chairperson of the Selection Committee for the category of the best primary teachers in the district, Best Primary Schools etc.

10) Performing the responsibilities given by the Government regarding the appointment of teachers in Government Primary Schools

11) Supervising and coordinating the formation of Cubs in all Primary Schools

12) Supervision of illiteracy eradication activities through mass education and adult education activities.

13. Supervision of proper implementation of construction, repair, renovation etc. of primary schools

14) Encouragement and initiative to set up new primary schools in backward areas and 15) Initiative to set up new examination centers if necessary.

B. Secondary:

1) Admission test in various government and private secondary schools, proper management supervision and coordination

2) Supervision program to prevent dropout of students enrolled in secondary school

3) Supervision and coordination of free textbook distribution program among secondary level students

4) Proper conduct, supervision and coordination of JSC and JDC and SSC and equivalent examinations in a duplicate and corruption free environment.

5) Inspection of secondary schools and sending reports to the government

6) Conducting Mobile Court with Note-Books (Prohibition) Act, 1980 to control the printing, publishing and sale of notebooks / guide books for secondary level textbooks.

7) Supervision of proper distribution of stipends among secondary school students 8) Supervision and coordination of scout and girls guide team formation activities in all secondary schools

9) Supervision of proper implementation of construction, repair, renovation etc. Motivation to take action

10) To take necessary steps to improve the quality of education

11) Motivation to take co-curricular activities in schools

12) To maintain law and order in the examination center

13) Management and operation of private Dakhil Madrasas in accordance with the regulations of Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board

14) Management and operation of private lower secondary and secondary educational institutions in accordance with the regulations of various education boards

15) Supervision and coordination of activities of Government Secondary Schools and Government Dakhil Madrasas.

16) Encourage the establishment of libraries in every secondary school and encourage the authorities and students to use the existing libraries.

17) Adoption of anti-drug committees in all secondary level schools / madrasas and keeping students informed about the evils of drugs.

18) To take initiative to set up new schools in backward areas and

19) To take initiative to set up new examination centers if necessary

C. Higher education:

1) Supervision and coordination of fair admission test in different government and private colleges

2) Supervision and coordination of HSC and equivalent and undergraduate (honors) and postgraduate examinations under national university in duplicate and corruption free environment

3) Maintain law and order in examination center

4) Mobile Court operation against printing, publishing and sale of note books / guide books of higher secondary level text books as per Note-Books (Prohibition) Act, 1980.

5) Supervision of fair distribution of stipends among higher secondary level students.

6) To take necessary steps to improve the quality of education

7) Management and operation of private alim and higher level madrasas in accordance with the regulations of Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board

8) Management and operation of private colleges

9) Coordinating the activities of government colleges and government alim and madrasas at higher levels.

10) Encouragement to take co-curricular activities in colleges

11) Supervision and coordination of BNCC and Rover Scouts formation programs in all colleges

12) To encourage the establishment of libraries in every college and to encourage the authorities and students to use the existing libraries.

 13) If the private universities are not run according to the government laws / rules / policies, send a report to the government about it.

14) Take anti-drug committees in all universities / colleges / madrasas and keep the students informed about the evils of drugs.

15) Taking effective steps to prevent any anti-state activities in educational institutions

16) Incentives and initiatives to set up new colleges in backward areas and

17) Initiatives to set up new examination centers if necessary.

32. Citizen Entertainment

1) Licensing and other related activities under the Cinematograph Act of 1918

2) Operation of mobile court under the Cinematograph Act of 1918

3) Control of entertainment tax avoidance trend

4) Visit existing recreational places and take initiative to ensure safe and clean entertainment

5) Create new safe and clean entertainment opportunities for the public

6) Permission of Jatra, circus exhibitions, plays, etc. only in accordance with the existing culture. in accordance with the existing laws / ordinances / rules / policies / circulars

7) Permission for fairs in agriculture, trade, industry, etc. as per existing laws / rules / policies / circulars Provision

8) Strict control of subculture and pornography

9) Assistance in the promotion of indigenous culture and healthy entertainment and 10) Control, supervision and monitoring of cable TV operation in accordance with the Cable Television Network Management Act-2008

33. Minorities:

1) Implementation of government policies for the welfare of minorities.

2) Supervision and coordination of proper implementation of development projects undertaken by the government for minorities.

3) Development and welfare of small ethnic groups living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in accordance with the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulations 1900 and

4) Issuance of certificates of small ethnic groups including hill districts.

34. Inter-departmental coordination:

1) Acting as the chief coordinator of the district

2) Coordinating the inter-departmental activities of the district and

3) Acting as the chairman of various inter-departmental committees formed by the government.

35) Establishment of Deputy Commissioner:

1) Establishment of officers and employees of Deputy Commissioner's Office and subordinate offices and processing of financial matters, disposal and advancement with higher authorities if necessary.

2) Establishment of front desk.

3) To take disciplinary action against the officers and employees of the Deputy Commissioner's Office and subordinate offices.

4) To write annual confidential report of the officers.

5) Distribution of work among the officers

6) Maintenance and Development of Circuit House and Circuit House Premises

7) Steps for the welfare of the officers and employees of the Deputy Commissioner's Office and subordinate offices and

9) Various activities given by other Ministries / Divisions / Constitutional Authorities such as: Passport, Expatriate Welfare, Election, BCS Examination etc.

36. Human Resource Development:

1) In-service training of BCS (Administration) cadre trainee officers and arrangement of case annotations.

 2) To take initiative to provide computer technology and other training in different training institutes of the country to increase the efficiency of BCS (Administration) cadre officers

3) Motivation of BCS (Administration) cadre officers to pursue higher education at home and abroad with a view to increase the scope and excellence of knowledge.

4) To take measures to provide computer and other training in various training institutes to increase the efficiency of the employees of the Deputy Commissioner's Office and its subordinate offices and

5) To provide and motivate similar training for the officers and employees of other departments.

37. Hearing and Investigation of Complaints:

1) Hearing the complaints of the local people on a pre-determined day of the week and taking action accordingly

2) Investigating the written complaints received following the legal procedure and taking action accordingly and

3) Conducting investigations and sending reports

38. Local Government:

1) Oath taking of Union Parishad Chairmen

2) Honoring of Union Parishad Chairmen and members

3) Processing of allegations against Union Parishad Chairmen and members

4) Processing of removal proposals for removal of Union Parishad Chairmen and members

5) Appointment of Union Parishad Secretary

6) All the work related to the establishment of Union Parishad Secretaries

7) Payment of government share of Union Parishad employees

8) Provision of uniforms to Union Parishad Dafadars and Chowkidars

9) Approval of Union Parishad budget

10) Approval of Union Parishad Income Tax Proposal

11) Resolution, supervision and monitoring of Union Parishad audit

12) Overall supervision and monitoring of works

13. Overall supervision and monitoring of Union Parishad activities

14) Site selection process for construction of union complex

15) Settlement of inter-union boundary disputes

16) Supervision of birth and death registration programs of union parishads and municipalities

17) Inspection and visit of Union Parishad, Upazila Parishad and Municipality

18) Processing of class development plan of the municipality

19) Processing of allegations raised against municipal mayors and commissioners

20) Declaration and Amendment of Boundaries of Unions, Upazilas and Municipalities

21) Resolution of Boundaries and Other Disputes among Local Government Institutions of the District

22) Coordination of Developmental Activities of Local Government Institutions of the District

23) Processing of proposals for creation of new local government authorities such as unions, upazilas and municipalities

24) Supervision, monitoring and evaluation of overall activities of local government bodies through Deputy Director, Local Government

25) Processing of Chairman Panel in case of non-compliance / disagreement and 26) Problems and Possibilities of Local Government Institutions and any other issues to be brought to the notice of Local Government Department.

39. Youth and Sports:

1) To play a role in building a capable youth community to meet the challenges of the 21st century

2) To motivate trained unemployed youth for employment

3) To lease khas ponds etc. among the youth

4) Encouraging the youth to take training that has low employment opportunities abroad

5) Taking necessary steps to prevent drug addiction in the youth society

6) Acting as president of district sports body

7) Organizing various sports regularly at local level

8) Providing patronage for women's sports development in the district

9) Providing overall support to district women's sports body

10) Organizing national and international competitions

11) Acting as the Chairman of the District Coordination Committee of the National Service Program and

12 ) Proper implementation, supervision and monitoring of the National Service Program.

40. Women and Children:

1) Acting as the President of Nari Shishu Academy

2) Taking initiative to develop indigenous culture through Shishu Academy

3) Encouragement of various programs for the proper development of children and development of them as good citizens.

4) Taking effective steps to stop sexual harassment (eve-teasing)

5) To take effective steps to prevent child marriage

6) To play a role in the smooth running of Adolescent Development / Correctional Center

7) To play a role in creating public opinion against dowry

8) To play a role in creating public opinion to prevent violence and oppression

9) To take necessary steps for the development and empowerment of women and 10) To provide overall support to the National Women's Organization.

41. Agriculture:

1) Acting as Chairman of District Fertilizer and Seed Monitoring Committee

2) Processing of Proposal for timely appointment of Fertilizer Dealer through District Fertilizer and Seed Monitoring Committee

3) Ensuring timely supply of fertilizer among farmers and informing the government about fertilizer situation.

4) Acting as the Chairman of the District Agricultural Credit Committee

5) Acting as the District Agricultural Rehabilitation Committee

6) Coordination of implementation of Disaster-Post-Agricultural Rehabilitation Program

7) Monitoring of demand and supply of various agricultural inputs

8) Contribution to marketing of agricultural products at fair prices at the farmer level

9) Cooperation in organizing agricultural fairs

10) To take steps to bring fallow agricultural land under cultivation

11 ) To motivate the farmers for production of oil, pulses and spices through bank loan at 2% interest.

12) To take initiative for proper use and coordination of ground water and surface water resources and

13) Appropriate role in implementation of any other program adopted by the government for agricultural development.

42. Market price monitoring and protection of consumer rights:

1) Market price monitoring of consumer goods and essential commodities

2) To make consumers and sellers aware to prevent abnormal rise in prices of consumer goods and essential commodities.

3) Taking steps to prevent stockpiling of daily necessities.

4) Ensuring uninterrupted supply of consumer goods and other commodities in the market.

5) Acting as the Chairman of the District Consumer Rights Protection Committee 6) Taking necessary steps to protect the consumer rights and

7) Taking steps to implement the relevant part of the Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009.

43. Fisheries and Livestock:

1) To take steps for conservation and expansion of fisheries and water resources

2) To take legal measures for conservation of reservoirs, haors, canals and rivers

3) Lease of reservoirs as per government instructions

4) Monitoring the activities of Jalmahal handed over under development project.

5) Strict control of immature fishing and marketing as per government directives. 6) Provide necessary assistance in livestock development and expansion

7) Take steps to prevent seasonal guest bird extinction and create public awareness and

8) To take measures to prevent the infection of livestock and to rehabilitate the victims.

44. Waqf, Debottar and Trust property:

1) Management, supervision and monitoring of Waqf and Debottar property

2) Recommendation for appointment of Motowalli and Sebayet

3) Management of children's home / orphanage funded by Waqf and Debottar property and

4) Management of trust as per trust documents.

45. Religious matters:

1) Ensuring the religious rights of the followers of all religions

2) Ensuring the proper observance of religious festivals like Eid, Puja, Christmas, Buddhist full moon, small ethnic groups' own religious ceremonies etc.

3) Providing training on the principles and rules of Hajj

4) Taking steps to collect zakat for government zakat fund

5) Selection of people eligible for grants from zakat fund

6) Acting as chairman of district moon sighting committee

7) Assistance in handing over grants to the needy from Ministry of Religious Affairs

8) Assist in providing training to imams on socio-economic activities.

9) Create public awareness against militancy in the name of religion.

10) Organizing fair Eid Jamaat in the central Eidgah ground of the district and

11) Conducting activities of Islamic Foundation, Hindu Religious Welfare Trust, Buddhist Religious Welfare Trust, Christian Religious Welfare Trust and providing poverty alleviation programs and primary and mass education activities.

46. Passport:

1) Issue, cancellation and renewal of ordinary passport

2) Addition and subtraction of other matters in ordinary passport

3) Processing of machine readable passport application and issuance of passport and

4) Supervision of functions of Regional Passport Office.

47. Promises of Honurable Prime Minister:

1) Preservation of the list of promises of Hon'ble Prime Minister

2) Monitoring the progress of implementation of the promises of Hon'ble Prime Minister and

3) Informing the Government of the progress of implementation of the promises of Hon'ble Prime Minister.

48. Development of local industries:

1) Providing motivation and support to entrepreneurs to build industrial establishments locally

2) Acting as the Chairman of BSCIC Industrial City Committee and
3) Providing encouragement and cooperation in setting up small and cottage industries.

49. Regarding NGOs:

1) Acting as the Chairman of District NGO Coordination Committee

2) Supervising and coordinating the activities of NGOs

3) Providing feedback to prevent overlapping of NGO activities

4) Monitoring the proper expenditure of exemptions in favor of NGOs

5) Inspection / visit of micro-credit activities and other activities of NGOs

6) Issuance of competency certificates and no-objection certificates to NGOs.

50. Shilpakala:

1) Acting as the President of the District Shilpakala Academy

2) Assisting in conducting training and other programs of the District Shilpakala Academy

3) Encouragement to develop a fair style of indigenous culture

4) To provide patronage to the cultural organizations of the district

5) To take steps to preserve archeological monuments and

6) To encourage the establishment of museums, art galleries etc.

51. Coordination of development activities:

1) Acting as the Chairman of the District Development Coordination Committee

2) Successful implementation and coordination of development activities in the district and

3) Coordination of government, private and NGO activities in the district

52. Primary Health Care and Public Health:

1) Acting as the Chairman of the District Water and Sanitation Committee (Watson)

2) Encouraging the public to drink safe water

3) Coordination of activities of various government and autonomous agencies engaged in water supply in the district

4) Identification of arsenic problems in the district and taking initiatives to solve them

5) To take necessary initiative to bring all (hundred percent) people of the district under sanitation within the time declared by the government.

6) Regular review and direction of progress of water supply and sanitation program in Watson Committee.

7) Coordination of various government and non-government initiatives in sanitation program.

8) To provide assistance in public awareness activities against AIDS, HIV, leprosy, tuberculosis etc.

9) Assistance in preventive measures to prevent the spread of avian influenza, swine flu, anthrax, etc.

10) Assistance in overall implementation of EPI programs

11) Assistance in implementation of primary health care programs accomplishment.

12) Coordinating with the medical team during disasters and epidemics.

53. Government Accommodation of the District:

1) Acting as the Chairman of the District Accommodation Allocation Committee 2) Allocation of Accommodation for Government Servants and

3) 3) Government office allocation related works.

54. National and International Days:

1) Celebration of different national and international days and weeks and

2) Assistance in adopting programs of different national and international days and weeks.

55. Achieving development goals:

1) Taking practical steps to achieve the goals of the government's development plan

2) Taking steps to achieve the goals of the National Poverty Alleviation Strategy and providing overall support to those concerned

3) Taking steps to achieve the goals of the five year plan

4) To provide overall cooperation to the concerned in the implementation of development projects adopted under the annual development plan in the district.

5) Take steps to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and provide overall support to the stakeholders in achieving the targets.

6) To take necessary steps for the implementation of the programs adopted in the development plan of the government, to take necessary effective measures including supervision and coordination.

56. Citizen Charter:

1) Preparation, display, updating and ensuring the provision of services in accordance with the declared Citizen Charter in the office of the Deputy Commissioner

2) Preparation / amendment of Citizen Charter of subordinate offices, display and ensuring service delivery in accordance with the declared Citizen Charter and

3) Monitoring of service delivery activities of other offices in the district in accordance with the declared Citizen Charter.

57. Information and communication technology:

1) Best use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Information Technology (IT) in office activities

2) Ensuring computer skills of all officers and employees

3) Organizing video conferences

4) Preserving district information website and updating regularly

5) Implementation of e-governance and e-report

6) Motivating people to use information and communication technology

7) Ensuring proper management and operation of e-service centers established / to be established at district, upazila and union level

8) Coordinating, supervising and monitoring the activities of delivering services to the doorsteps of the people through the use of information and communication technology and

9) Acting as the chairman of the district information and communication technology committee.

58. Right to Information:

1) Appointment of 'Responsible Officer' as per RTI Act, 2009 and provision of information to interested persons

2) Regular government e-mail checking and reply including acknowledgment of receipt of e-mails from the public

3) Establishment of front desk with information and communication technology facilities to provide services to the people; And updating the information of the front desk and

4) publishing the important information of the district in the district information website.

59. Climate Change and Environmental Protection:

1) Taking steps to address the adverse effects of climate change caused by environmental pollution and providing overall cooperation and coordination in the implementation of programs adopted by others in this regard

2) Promoting the use of indigenous technologies to prevent environmental pollution

3) Creating awareness among the people about the harmful effects of global warming and ways to remedy it

4) Taking effective measures to preserve the geo-natural features

5) Acting as the Chairman of the District Environment Committee and

6) Implementing, coordinating and monitoring the projects / programs approved by the Board of Trustees on Climate Change.

60. Afforestation:

1) Encouraging people to plant trees

2) Awareness of the people about the disadvantages of deforestation and its adverse effects on the environment

3) Encouraging people to participate in social afforestation programs

 4) Provide motivation and cooperation in afforestation in the premises of roads, dams, offices, educational institutions and other institutions and

5) To play a role in forest conservation and expansion in accordance with the Forest Act.

61. Expatriate Welfare:

1) Preparation of database and list of expatriates in the district

2) Taking measures to prevent human trafficking

3) Protecting expatriates from fraud and harassment

4) Other activities related to expatriate welfare and

5) Encouraging those interested in taking jobs abroad to go abroad under government management.

62. Other activities:

1) Executive activities not mentioned above but mentioned in government laws, ordinances, rules, notifications, circulars, orders, memoranda, documents, etc.

2) Not mentioned anywhere above but government laws, ordinances, rules, notifications, circulars , Development activities mentioned in orders, memoranda, documents, etc.

3) Activities related to maintaining law and order which are not mentioned anywhere but mentioned in government laws, ordinances, rules, notifications, circulars, orders, memoranda, documents, etc.

4) The activities of the Executive Magistrate which are not mentioned anywhere above but are mentioned in government laws / ordinances etc. And

5) Any activity assigned by the Government from time to time.